Mental strength column in DER YBBSTALER: „Body language“.
Since November 2022, I have been writing a column about mental strength in the newspaper „Der Ybbstaler“.
In the following I publish the text of the first column of 12.01.2023:

Edition 12.01.2023
Welcome to the mental toughness column. Here you will find tips and tricks to build their mental strength to better cope with the challenges in their daily lives and „recharge their batteries“.
The body or posture is an essential pillar of mental strength.
Many people know that emotions and moods are expressed through body language. Let’s say they tell someone a joke. This person says to them with slumped shoulders, serious expression and voice to match, „That’s the funniest joke I’ve ever heard!“ You will probably doubt the sincerity of this statement.
The good news is that the mood-body connection works both ways. If you are not in a good mood, smile consciously for 1-2 minutes. It’s entirely possible that this might seem a little strange to them at first. However, with some practice, they will notice that it lifts their spirits.
Your subconscious perceives this smile and releases corresponding messenger substances, which has been proven in studies. A similar thing happens with other postures. If you consciously straighten up before a phone call and pull your shoulders back a bit so that you have a confident, strong posture, you will also be perceived more confidently and strongly on the phone.
Exercise: Smile consciously for 2-3 minutes after getting up, then you will have a better start into the day.