Advantages of mental training in companies

It's not enough to know, you have to apply it.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe

The calendar reminder from your employee flashes - the first appointment starts in 5 minutes. The inbox shows 52 new emails and the deadline for a task is also at noon that day. It is Monday, 08 o'clock in the morning.


For you as a company, this means that this employee is already mentally exhausted at his workplace at the beginning of the week. In addition, there are conflicts with colleagues, superiors or in his team, because there are often misunderstandings in communication or in dealing with each other.

We are currently in challenging times. High performance requirements, complex tasks, and new and rapidly changing conditions in the environment must be mastered by employees. Depending on the personality, this is perceived as an enormous burden. The consequences of this can be mental slumps, demotivation, resignation and even health problems and burn-out.

Top athletes are often under enormous pressure - the smallest mistakes can make the difference between victory and defeat. Here the mental condition and mental fitness is the key to success for best performances. Mental training is already a fixed component in sports and is now increasingly becoming the focus for individuals and companies.

The benefits of mental training include the following:

Mental training gives your employees tools to better deal with challenges and change.


Goals are an important aspect in mental training. Only those who have their goals in mind will achieve them.

Body and mind are one - mental strength also affects physical health. In mental training, your employees learn techniques on how to recognize stressful situations and how to reduce them.


With the help of the tools from Mental Training, your employees will keep every situation under control. They react more calmly in previously stressful or stressful situations. The fact that you are now in control of every situation increases your (self-)motivation.

The team structure benefits from mental training on several levels. In a high stress level, we humans act according to learned patterns or the 4F, such as Fight, Flight, Freeze or Flock. These are those situations in which employees lose their temper (Fight) or fail to do their work (Flight or Freeze), for example. The spectrum of these 4F behaviors is diverse and usually leads to conflict.

Through mental training, employees become aware of their situation and can actively intervene in behaviors that are otherwise triggered subconsciously.

Course of mental training in companies

The tasks of mental training in the corporate environment are manifold. The basis for the elaboration of an offer or concept is the objective.

Once the goals and scope are defined, the process looks roughly as follows:

  • Personality analysis according to the Deep O.C.E.A.N. model for each participant in the mental training program.

Here you can find more information:

  • Individual debriefing of each participant
  • Analysis of the psychodynamics of the personality profiles in the team
    Working out the conflict potentials and "blind spots" of the personality traits and suggesting ways of dealing with these dynamics
  • One-on-one training with each participant
  • Team trainings to solve conflict potentials and "blind spots

In this case, it is recommended to accompany the program for several months so that the mental exercises become "flesh and blood" and thus have a lasting effect.