The Deep-O.C.E.A.N. Model

Albatross and penguin are both birds. However, the two will make the journey from one island to the other in different ways. The albatross takes the air route, the penguin swims through the sea to its destination.

Ocean Andreas

The Deep-O.C.E.A.N.® Model

The OCEAN Model, also known as the Big Five or Five Factor Model is considered the universal standard model of personality research and has been used in over 3,000 scientific studies within the last 20 years.

The term OCEAN is composed of the corresponding initial letters of the main dimensions of personality:

  • Openness(openness to experience)
  • Conscientiousness
  • Extraversion
  • Agreeableness
  • Neutoticism(Neuroticism)

Deep Ocean goes even further into the depth in which on the basis of neuroscientific findings each dimension was extended by two subdimensions.

Deep inside you lies your personality. This is who you are, what makes you you.

Because only if you really know yourself, you can understand why you feel, think and act the way you do. And only then, if you want, you can change something about it.

Your behavior is largely determined by certain personality traits. And these are already formed at the age of up to five years.

The advantage for you is obvious. With the Deep-O.C.E.A.N® Personality Profile you get to know and understand your personality better. You recognize certain psychodynamics and needs in your personality and know why certain things are easier for you and other things are more difficult for you. Whether an expression helps you or causes difficulties depends on your current situation. Overly creative accountants, for example, are likely to be less in demand if they overdo the creativity in their work.

Even with several people in private or in teams, knowledge of the profiles is useful in that you can recognize and understand potential conflicts and prevent them. In teams you can divide the tasks in such a way by appropriate consideration of the individual characteristics of the persons that the team is brought optimally and motivated to maximum performances.


In mental training, knowledge about your personality helps us to define appropriate exercises and actions on how to get to your goal. Albatross and penguin are both birds. However, the two will make the journey from one island to the other in different ways. The albatross takes the air route, the penguin swims through the sea to its destination.

As a certified Deep-O.C.E.A.N® coach, I can guide you through your profile and give you tools to achieve your goals in line with your personality.