Do your employees feel stressed during uncertain times and high workloads? I help them build their mental strength and be successful.


Andreas Riess

Graduate mental coach &


Workshop: Mentally strong on the job

How to manage stress and prevent burnout


Benefits of the workshop for your company

As a human resources manager, you see your employees working under enormous pressure every day. Stress and burnout are constant companions and can have serious consequences for the health and productivity of your employees.

Treat your employees to a workshop that will give them practical tools to build their mental strength and deal with stress in the best way possible. As an experienced certified mental trainer and deep ocean coach, I design the workshop individually according to your needs and hold it directly at your location.

Your benefit:

- Less downtime due to stress and burnout

- Increasing the productivity and creativity of employees

- More well-being and motivation in the work environment

- Customizable workshop to meet the needs of the company

- My workshop gives employees the tools to manage stress and prevent burnout

- Strengthening of work performance and employee satisfaction, reduction of absenteeism due to illness and fluctuation

- Improving the working environment and signaling as a responsible employer

- Investing in the mental health of employees for a successful and healthy company.

Mental strength increases productivity and protects against burnout!

In 3 steps to success - workshop contents


Dealing with stress

Here, participants learn practical stress management techniques to reduce symptoms and increase their own resilience.


Expansion of mental well-being

Participants will learn how to build their mental strength and live a mentally healthy life.


Practical exercises

Through practical exercises, participants learn to reduce stress and realize their full potential in challenging situations in order to remain more calm in everyday life.

Take the first step

Contact me today to discuss your company's needs and issues and receive a customized quote!

I look forward to hearing from you!

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Dr. Daniel Trobisch

Psychotherapist, Existential Analyst, Clinical and Health Psychologist, Industrial Psychologist

From decades of experience as a corporate psychologist for one of Austria's most renowned private companies, I find Andreas Riess's training concept particularly interesting for managers who are looking beyond their own development to the full resource potential of their team. As is well known, the best students are not always the best teachers, because one secret of inner growth is to unfold the possibilities from one's own difficulties. For this basic principle, the Deep Ocean concept offers an effective tool in the hands of a self-experienced trainer.

Reinhard N.

Sales Manager

Thank you for the great advice and your effort to meet my individual needs! Our jointly defined tools and methodologies are still my daily companions today.

Adullah B.

Regional Product Line Manager - FLSmidth

Andreas convinced me immediately with his open-minded nature.

With his expertise in recognizing different personality profiles, Andreas helped me first and foremost to recognize my strengths and to use them in a more focused way in everyday life.

The topics we worked out together also helped me to better recognize the different skills of my team members in order to promote productivity within the team while achieving the company's goals.

Ewald K.

Warranty Analyst

Hi Andreas, Thank you for your kind support in getting me to my goals. Your concept and methods that you transmit to me make me think and always one step further to explore the whole that is going on inside me and from that strengthened to set the next steps.

Jan Kratz


Thanks Andreas!

With your help and your targeted questions directed at me, you helped me find a clearer path to my goal again.

I was able to see for myself that the answers to me were already inside of me and that your work was really about me and that from the very first minute.

And for every question on my part, you had the appropriate counter-question or technique at hand. I am already looking forward to my further journey.

All love Jan