Mental strength as burnout prevention

"Those who always do what they already know how to do will always remain what they already are."

Henry Ford

Did they know that

  • Approx. 42% of the population in Austria is at risk of burnout?
  • Costs for too late diagnosed burnout up to 131.000,-€ per case for the general public?
  • For companies >50 employees the total costs for companies with too late detection total of up to 650,000 € or 2.7% of the total personnel costs are quantified?
  • That burnout is a slow, insidious process?
  • Mental strength protects against burnout and increases productivity?

Course of mental training in companies

The tasks of mental training in the corporate environment are manifold. The basis for the elaboration of an offer or concept is the objective.

Once the goals and scope are defined, the process looks roughly as follows:

  • Personality analysis according to the Deep O.C.E.A.N. model for each participant in the mental training program.

Here you can find more information:

  • Individual debriefing of each participant
  • Analysis of the psychodynamics of the personality profiles in the team
    Working out the conflict potentials and "blind spots" of the personality traits and suggesting ways of dealing with these dynamics
  • One-on-one training with each participant
  • Team trainings to solve conflict potentials and "blind spots

In this case, it is recommended that the mental exercises be accompanied for several months so that they become "flesh and blood" and thus have a lasting effect.